
AlphaValley developed a Pitch Deck and Business Plan for an Outsourced fabrication


The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020 shook the entire world, and the after-effects can still be felt today

Like many others, the pandemic brought commercial manufacturers to a halt. The client, a veteran, saw an opportunity in this challenge. He believed that the businesses would prefer agile, unique solutions going forward. He was confident that the secular trend of “x as a service” will become common in manufacturing soon.
Taking inspiration from cloud kitchens, he forayed into metal fabrication as a service. Hydra planned to offer fabrication service to SMBs on a subscription model.
While the idea looked promising, his mentor advised him to create a business plan.




How to calculate the potential market opportunity?


What does a compelling business plan financial model and pitch deck look like?


How to ensure that the plan is concise and consistent?


What should be the focus areas of the plan?

While the founder could write the business plan himself, he would rather not divert his attention. He wanted to focus on business development and execution. Hence, he decided to hire a business consultant to develop the investor deck and b-plan.

The Final Results

Brainstorm with the client on business model, pricing and development plans 

Assess competitors and business models in other geographies

Create a stunning investor pitch deck

Develop a compelling executive summary

Get your Pitch Deck today


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