
AlphaValley developed a Pitch Deck and Business Plan for a Diagnostic Kits Company


The client envisioned offering the simplest, yet affordable lab-certified home kits for early diagnosis of diseases and lifestyle management.

Diagnosis at home is becoming crucial, due to the rising prevalence of chronic and lifestyle diseases, for early detection of illness and cost-effective healthcare. The Covid pandemic has raised the general public’s awareness of curative medication and preventive healthcare, further increasing the demand for home diagnostic kits. By 2030, the At-Home testing market is projected to grow to US $ 8.5 million at a CAGR of 4.5% since 2021.
They needed our expertise in putting together an impactful pitch deck, effectively demonstrating the essence of their product and establishing its market fitment over a period.




Crafting an impactful deck with beautiful contours, effective structure, and a remarkable storyboard


Delving into rigorous market research for industry outlook and product mapping for resolving business problems


Positioning and showcasing their unique value proposition vis-à-vis the competition.


Building a viable financial model, underscoring the profitability of the business for potential investors

The client was in need to raise seed funding for laboratory acquisition, technology investment, and working capital requirements. The founders were concentrating on giving a finishing touch to their solution and needed a professional advisor to create a powerful pitch deck by clarifying the business idea and presenting it with a crisp yet alluring storyline.

The Final Results

Brought out a clear business idea with a compelling storyline

Developed the product’s distinct core and validated its value proposition and market opportunity

Delivered an appealing design and on-the-money pitch deck, revealing massive growth potential

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